колдонуучунун салымы

Салымдарымды издөөжаюутүрүү

7 апрель 2021

  • 05:4605:46, 7 апрель 2021 айырма тарыхы +24 ЭпосEr Tӧshtük is an ancient Kyrgyz heroic epic which peculiar for its intriguing plot and richness of language, illustrates Kyrgyz people’s religious beliefs, mythology, customs, traditions and everyday lives. ‘Er Töshtük’ is considered one of the great ancient oral epics in Turkic languages, narrated for example, by Tatars from Tumen, and Kazakhs. Later transcribed in different formats, it spans a wide variety of genres from fairy tales to heroic sagas. ‘Syrttan Töshtük’ by S. Karalaev is regarded Белги: Көрсөтмөлүү оңдоо