TU-nor колдонуучунун салымы
Results for TU-nor баарлашуу бөгөттөөлөр журналы жүктөөлөр журналдар global block log global account abuse log
A user with 1 edit. Аккаунт 25 сентябрь 2022 түзүлгөн.
9 октябрь 2022
- 09:1309:13, 9 октябрь 2022 айырма тарыхы −446 Фракия Blue and white flag is free fantasy, never used. Purple and black and blue and black flag are different renderings of the same historical flag from the 1821 uprising; the blue and black is probably closest to the flag used then. The green and black flag has nothing to do with (Turkish) East Thrace, but is the flag of the short-lived republic en:Provisional Government of Western Thrace in 1913