Модуль:Sports results
Documentation for this module may be created at Модуль:Sports results/doc
-- Module to build results cross-tables for standings in Sports
-- See documentation for details
require('Module:No globals')
local p = {}
-- Main function
function p.main(frame)
-- Declare locals
local Args = frame.args
local N_teams = 0
local t = {}
local t_footer = {}
local t_return = {}
local team_list = {}
local ii, ii_fw, bg_col, team_name, team_code_ii
-- Load some other modules
local p_sub = require('Module:Sports table/sub')
-- Read in number of consecutive teams (ignore entries after skipping a spot)
while Args['team'..N_teams+1] ~= nil do
N_teams = N_teams+1
-- Sneakily add it twice to the team_list parameter, once for the actual
-- ranking, the second for position lookup in sub-tables
-- This is possible because Lua allows both numbers and strings as indices.
team_list[N_teams] = Args['team'..N_teams] -- i^th entry is team X
team_list[Args['team'..N_teams]] = N_teams -- team X entry is position i
-- Get team to show
local ii_show = team_list[Args['showteam']] -- nil if non-existant
-- Create header
-- Open table
table.insert(t,'{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"\n')
-- First column
t_return.count = 0 -- Dummy parameter, using subfunction call seems best at this point because both module are intertwined
t_return.tab_text = t -- Actual text
t_return = p_sub.colhead(t_return,'auto','Home \\ Away')
-- Other columns passed to subfunction
t_return = p.header(t_return,Args,p_sub,N_teams,team_list)
t = t_return.tab_text
-- Now create individual rows
for ii=1,N_teams do
-- Get team info
team_code_ii = team_list[ii]
team_name = Args['name_'..team_code_ii] or team_code_ii
-- Team names
table.insert(t,'|- \n') -- New row
table.insert(t,'! scope="row" style="text-align: right;"| '..team_name..'\n') -- Position number
-- Then individual results
t = p.row(t,Args,N_teams,team_list,ii,ii_show)
-- Close table
table.insert(t, '|}\n')
-- Get info for footer
local update = Args['update'] or 'unknown'
local start_date = Args['start_date'] or 'unknown'
local source = Args['source'] or frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'citation needed', args = { reason='No source parameter defined', date=os.date('%B %Y') } }
-- Create footer text
-- Date updating
if string.lower(update)=='complete' then
-- Do nothing
elseif update=='' then
-- Empty parameter
table.insert(t_footer,'Updated to match(es) played on unknown. ')
elseif string.lower(update)=='future' then
-- Future start date
table.insert(t_footer,'First match(es) will be played on '..start_date..'. ')
table.insert(t_footer,'Updated to match(es) played on '..update..'. ')
table.insert(t_footer,'Source: '..source)
-- As reflist size text
t_footer = '<div class="reflist">'..table.concat(t_footer)..'</div>'
-- Add footer to main text table
return table.concat(t)
-- Other functions
function p.header(tt,Args,p_sub,N_teams,team_list)
local ii, team_code_ii, short_name
-- Set match column width
local col_width = Args['match_col_width'] or '28'
-- Get some default values in case it doesn't start at 1
local top_pos = tonumber(Args['highest_pos']) or 1
for ii=top_pos,N_teams do
team_code_ii = team_list[ii]
short_name = Args['short_'..team_code_ii] or team_code_ii
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,col_width,short_name)
return tt
function p.row(tt,Args,N_teams,team_list,ii,ii_show)
-- Note ii is the row number being shown
local jj, fw, bg, result, team_code_ii, team_code_jj
local cell_bold = false
team_code_ii = team_list[ii]
-- Get some default values in case it doesn't start at 1
local top_pos = tonumber(Args['highest_pos']) or 1
for jj=top_pos,N_teams do
if ii == jj then
-- Solid cell
if ii==ii_show then cell_bold = true else cell_bold = false end
fw = cell_bold and 'font-weight: bold;' or 'font-weight: normal;'
bg = 'background-color:transparent;'
table.insert(tt,'| style="'..fw..bg..'" | —\n')
-- Content cell
-- Set bolding and background
if ii==ii_show or jj == ii_show then cell_bold = true else cell_bold = false end
fw = cell_bold and 'font-weight: bold;' or 'font-weight: normal;'
bg = 'background-color:transparent;'
-- Now for the actual result
team_code_jj = team_list[jj]
result = Args['match_'..team_code_ii..'_'..team_code_jj] or ''
table.insert(tt,'| style="white-space:nowrap;'..fw..bg..'" |'..result..'\n')
return tt
return p